Lesson 12
Race, Sex and Age Make
No Difference in Christ's Church
After Philip had served as Gods special evangelist to the Samaritans (Acts 8:5-12), God sent him to Gaza to be Gods special evangelist to one man, "a man of ______________________" (Acts 8:27). Notice where this country is on the MAP:
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It is very possible that this Ethiopian man was dark-skinned. The Greek word
"Ethiopia" (Acts 8:27) means "burnt-face" which indicates that the
people from this African country of Ethiopia were dark-faced. In fact, hundreds of years
earlier Jeremiah asked this question, "Can the ______________________ change his
______________, or the __________________ his ______________?" (Jeremiah 13:23) What
is the answer to this question? ________ It would take a miracle to change the color
of the Ethiopians skin, but it would take even a greater miracle to change his
heart. God did such a miracle in Acts 8 Philip, Gods evangelist, preached unto him
J___________ (Acts 8:35). Did he receive Philips message (verse 37)? ______ Was he
baptized in water (verses 36-39)? ________ Did God change the heart of this African?
________ When it comes to RACE (color of skin) is God a respecter of persons (Acts
10:34-35)? ___________
Read Acts 16:6-12 (Pauls second missionary journey), using the following map to help you locate the place names:
Did the Holy Spirit allow them to preach in Asia (Acts 16:6)? __________ Did the Holy Spirit allow them to go into Bithynia (Acts 16:7)? ______ [Bithynia is found on the map south of the Black Sea.] Where did the Holy Spirit want them to go (Acts 16:9)? __________________________________________ [Macedonia is a country located north of Greece.]
It is interesting that verse 9 says, "There stood a __________ of Macedonia." This word "man" means "a male person, a man in contrast to a woman." But when Paul arrived in Philippi to help the Macedonians, who were the first people that he met (Acts 16:13)? ________________ According to verse 14, the first person to be SAVED in Macedonia was "a certain __________________ named ________________." So God, who is concerned for both male and female, opened the heart of a woman named Lydia and she became the first person to be saved in what today we would call Europe.
In Acts 17:4, how many women BELIEVED?--"NOT A _________" (which means many). In Acts 17:12 and 34 we read of other women believers. And when Paul persecuted the Church (before he was saved), he persecuted "Both _________ and _______________" (Acts 22:4). In Galatians 3:28 we learn that in the body of Christ (in the church) "there is neither MALE nor ____________________; for ye are all _________ in ______________ _______________." Women can enjoy membership in the church just as much as men can. Lydia was saved (Acts 16:14) just as much as the Philippian jailer was (Acts 16:27-34)! Male or female--there is no difference!!
Do women who believe have eternal life just as men who believe (John 6:47)? _____
Do women who believe have forgiveness (remission) of sins just as men who believe (Acts 10:43)? ________
Do women who believe become children of God or is this something that only happens to men who believe (John 1:12)? _______________________________________________________
Is heaven a special club for MEN ONLY? ______
God graciously invites EVERYONE, whether YOUNG or OLD to become members of His called-out assembly, the Church. In Acts 16:31 Paul and Silas explained to the Philippiari jailer how he could be SAVED: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy ____________ (household, family)." The promise of salvation is here given not only to the jailer but also to the members of his household, which probably included his wife, his slaves, and any children that he may have had. If the jailer would simply believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, then he would be __________ and if his family (HOUSE) would believe on the Lord Jesus Christ then they would be S______________ also. Did the members of his household hear the Word of God (see Acts 16:32)? __________ Did the members of his household BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 16:34)? ________ Were the members of his household baptized in water (Acts 16:33)? ________
A CHILD may be saved and may become a member of the church, but he (or she) must be old enough to do what (Acts 16:31; compare Acts 18:8)? ___________________________________________________________ A child may be baptized as long as he (or she) is old enough to do what (Acts 8:36-37)? ______________________________________________ What does this tell us about baptism for infants or for babies? _______________________________________________________________________ [Many churches today practice infant baptism, but the New Testament does not support such a practice. In the New Testament, as seen especially in the book of Acts, only believers were baptized.]
Thus, when it comes to age THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE! Even a young child may become a child of God of God because the Bible says, "As many as received Him (whether young or old), to them gave He power (authority, the right) to become the sons (children) of _________, even to them that ______________ on His name (whether young or old)."--John 1:12.
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