Lesson 11


Nationality Makes No Difference in Christ's Church:  The Gospel Goes to the Samaritans and to the Gentiles

[To see an organizational outline of these lessons, click here]


The Gospel of Christ Goes to the SAMARITANS.

Do you remember who the SAMARITANS were?  See Lesson 9. When the Lord Jesus first sent out His 12 disciples before His death and resurrection, did He instruct them to bring God’s message to the SAMARITANS (read Matthew 10:5-7)? ________ Is there a DIFFERENCE in the Lord’s instructions after His death and resurrection (read Acts 1:8)? _________

Acts 8:1 tells us that in the days of the early church there was a great ___________________ and because of this the believers were forced to leave what city? ___________________________ Unto what places were they scattered?  ____________________________________________  Does this remind you of the map studied in Lesson 10True or False: The scattered believers kept silent because they feared more persecution (Acts 8:4). ____________

Acts 8:5 tells us that Philip went down to the city of  __________________, and preached _______________ unto them. In Acts 21:8 Philip is called the _______________________ (this word means "one who preaches the gospel, one who announces the good news about Christ"). Philip was God’s special evangelist to the Samaritans. Did the Samaritans receive Philip’s message (Acts 8:6 and Acts 8:14)? ________ Were they baptized in water (Acts 8:12)? ___________ Did they receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:14-20)? _________  Did the good news continue to be preached to the Samaritans (Acts 8:25)? _____________

So the gospel went to the JEWS FIRST (Acts 2) and it also went to the SAMARITANS (Acts 8), who were HALF JEW and HALF GENTILE.  Later God’s good news would go also to the GENTILES (Acts 10).

outline.jpg (4418 bytes) ACTS 2

The Gospel of Christ Goes to the GENTILES.

When the Lord Jesus first sent out His 12 disciples before His death and resurrection, did He instruct them to bring God's message to the Gentiles (Read Matthew 10:5-7)? _________  Is there a difference in the Lord’s instructions after His death and resurrection (read Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:15 and Luke 24:47)? ________

God’s special evangelist to the Gentiles was the Apostle Peter (Acts 10:34,44).  [Later, Paul became God's special evangelist to the Gentiles.] What was the name of the Gentile that Peter preached to (Acts 10:22, 25)? ________________________ Were there other Gentiles with him (Acts 10:24)? ____________ Did these Gentiles receive Peter’s message (Acts 11:1)? ________ Did they receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:44-47; 11:15-17)? _______ Were they baptized in water (Acts 10:47-48)? _______ Because of what happened to Cornelius and his household, the Jews began to understand that "God hath also to the ____________________  granted repentance unto __________ " (Acts 11:18) and that God had
"________________  the ___________  of ______________ unto the _______________ " (Acts 14:27). Peter himself said in Acts 15:7: "God made choice among us, that the _______________ by my mouth should _______________ the word of the gospel, and  _________________."  Did God put any difference between the Jews and the Gentiles (Acts 15:9)? _________  ("For there is no difference"--Romans 10:12).

From this point on (after Acts 10) both Jews and Gentiles heard the Word of God and some believed (see Acts 14:1; 18:4; 19:10; 20:21). Is God the God of the Jews only (Romans 3:29)? ______ He is also the God of the __________________, because it is the "___________ Lord" who is over both (see Romans 10:12) and therefore "whoever (whether Jew or Gentile) shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be ______________" (Romans 10:13).

The questions that YOU must answer are these:

  1. Have YOU heard and gladly received God’s good news? (see Romans 10:17)
  2. Have YOU received the Holy Spirit? (see Romans 8:9)
  3. Have YOU been baptized in water? (see Acts 2:41)
  4. Are YOU a member of God’s church as Cornelius was?

Please MATCH the following:


1. _____ Acts 2 A.  TO THE GENTILES
(Acts 1:8--uttermost part of earth)
2. _____ Acts 8 B.  TO THE JEW FIRST
(Acts 1:8--Jerusalem, Judaea)
3. _____ Acts 10 C. TO THE SAMARITANS
(Acts 1:8--Samaria)


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