Basic Doctrinal Worksheets
for New Believers

Lesson 14

Eternal Security
The True Believer Is Safe and Secure In Christ Forever

The True Believer is Eternally Secure
Five Reasons We Know This is True


Is The True Believer Safe and Secure in Christ Forever?

The answer to this question is an emphatic "YES" for the following reasons:

1. The true believer is safe and secure in Christ forever because it is impossible for God to break His salvation promises.

Is God a man that He should lie (see Numbers 23:19)? ______ Therefore, God cannot break His promises! In this course of study we have already studied 15 salvation promises.  One of them was John 3:16. In this passage God promises the true believer that he will never ______________________. In John 3:18 God promises that the true believer will never be _____________________.

According to John 5:24, what are 3 things that are true of every believer?

  1. _______________________________________________
  2. _______________________________________________
  3. _______________________________________________

In John 6:37 Christ promises to never ______________     __________ the person who comes to Him. In John 11:26 Christ promises that the true believer will never ________ [This "death" does not refer to physical death which both saved people and unsaved people experience, but it refers to "the second death" which is eternal separation from God (see Rev. 20:14-15; 21:8) which only the unsaved experience].
            Answer True or False:

________ If a believer sins, then Christ will cast him out (John 6:37).
________ A person who truly is trusting in Christ as Saviour will never perish (John 3:16).
________ John 5:24 teaches the same truth as Romans 8:1. No condemnation!
________ It is possible for a true believer to lose his salvation and perish.
________ If a true believer in Christ could perish, then this would make God a liar (see John 3:16).
________ God is not a liar, and therefore John 3:16 is true. The believer in Christ will not perish. God has given us His Word! God said it and that settles it!

2. The true believer is safe and secure in Christ forever because it is impossible for a true believer to become "UN-SAVED."

According to 1 Corinthians 6:11, when the Corinthian people became saved, three things happened to them:

  1. They were ____________________________.
  2. They were ____________________________.
  3. They were ____________________________.

Do you think it is possible for a believer to become unwashed? _____________ Can a person become unsanctified? _____ Do you think that a born-again person can become unjustified (condemned)? _______ Can a believer become unredeemed? ______ For a person to lose his salvation he would have to become UNWASHED, UNSANCTIFIED, UNJUSTIFIED and UNREDEEMED! Is this possible? _________ Does God "undo" the good work that He begins in a person or does He bring that good work to its ultimate completion (Phil. 1:6)? _________________________________________________

3. The true believer is safe and secure in Christ forever because no one can pluck him out of God’s hand (John 10:28-30).

In John chapter 10 Christ describes Himself as the Good S_________________ (verse 11) and He describes those who are true believers as His ______________ (verse 27). What does Christ give to His sheep (verse 28)? ___________________________________ In verse 28 the Lord Jesus said that His sheep will never _________________ (verse 28). Note: In the Greek this is a very strong statement. It could be translated, "They shall never perish, no not ever!!!" Or literally, "Forever they will never perish!" This is eternal security!

In John 10:28 we learn that the believer is safe and secure in whose hand? ___________________ Is anyone able to pluck the believer out of His hand? _____ In John 10:29 we learn that the believer is safe and secure in whose hand? _____________________ Is anyone able to pluck the believer out of His hand? ________ In verse 30 we learn that God the Son and God the Father are _________. In order for the believer to be lost, there would have to be a person stronger and more powerful than God the Son and God the Father who could pluck him out from the safety of God’s hand! Is there such a person? _____ Is the God who lives in us (God the Holy Spirit) greater than Satan (see 1 John 4:4)? _______

4. The true believer is safe and secure in Christ forever because it is God’s will that the believer should not be lost but should have eternal life (John 6:37-40).

True or False: ______________ According to John 6:35, the person who comes to the Lord Jesus is the person who believes in Him. What will Christ never do to the person who comes to Him and believes on Him (John 6:37)? ______________________________   Note: In the Greek, John 6:37 is also a very strong statement. It uses a double negative: "I will never ever throw him out." Read John 6:38-39 and answer True or False:

________ Christ came to this world to do His own will.
________ Christ came to this world to do His Father’s will.
________ The Father’s will was that Christ should lose only a few believers.

According to John 6:40 and 6:47, God’s will is that everyone who believes on the Lord Jesus Christ should have ____________________________. According to John 6:39,40,44,54, what future promise does the Lord give to those who are true believers? __________________________________________________ Thus, John 6 teaches us that the true believer has eternal life, he will never be cast out by Christ and he will be raised up at the last day! Is the believer in Christ eternally secure? ___________________

Note:  "I will raise him (the true believer) up at the last day" (see John 6:39,40,44,54). This is a reference to the first resurrection which is for believers only. It is a bodily resurrection that is unto LIFE (John 5:29). Only those who are "blessed and holy" can take part in the first resurrection (Rev. 20:6). The second resurrection is for the unsaved only. The unsaved dead will be raised up bodily to stand before Christ at the Great White Throne Judgment described in Revelation 20:11-15. Such persons will end up in the lake of fire which is the second death (Rev. 20:14-15; 21:8). Those who believe in Christ will never be a part of the second resurrection which is called the "resurrection of damnation" (John 5:28-29).

5. The true believer is safe and secure in Christ forever because Christ has promised never to leave him and never to forsake him (Hebrews 13:5).

We learn from Hebrews 13:5 that our conversation (manner of life, conduct, the way we live) is to be without __________________________. This means we are to be free from the love of money. We are not to love money or be possessed by our possessions (see 1 Timothy 6:9-11). There is a danger that we can get so wrapped up in materialistic things that we forget the Lord.

Instead of loving money, we are to be C_______________ (Hebrews 13:5) with the things that we have. Therefore we are to be content and satisfied with what we have ("What I have is ENOUGH!"). As believers what do we have? What do we possess? We have the most precious possession that anyone could ever have because HE (Christ) has said (and He continues to say), I will never ________________ thee, nor ______________ thee (Hebrews 13:5). In the Greek this is a very strong statement. Five negatives are used and it could be translated in this way: "I will (1) never (2) ever leave thee, (3) no, I will (4) never (5) ever forsake thee." It is a negative way of saying, "I will positively be with you forever!" Christ will never abandon, desert, forsake or leave those that belong to Him!!

Note: The word "leave" in Hebrews 13:5 is the same word as the word "loosed" in Acts 16:26 (Paul’s chains "left" him). The chain that binds the believer to Christ will never be loosed. We are chained to Him forever. He will never leave us! Nothing shall separate us (Rom. 8:38-39).

Christ was forsaken by God (Matthew 27:46) so that the believer will never be forsaken by God (Heb. 13:5). Because of this we may boldly say, "The _____________ is my _________________ and I will not F_________" (Hebrews 13:6). "The ______________ is my ___________________ I shall not _____________ (Psalm 23:1, "want" means to lack or be in need). We have Christ! Do we need anything or anyone else? ______ Will He always be with us (Matthew 28:20)? ______ Do we need to fear (Heb. 13:6)? ______ Was this same promise given to Old Testament believers (see Deuteronomy 31:6,8)? _______ If it were possible for a believer to be lost, then Christ would have to leave him and forsake him. Is this possible? _____ God will not abandon His own! No not ever!
