The word PROBLEM comes from a Greek word PROBLEMA which is made up of two parts: 1) PRO=before, forward 2) BLEMA or BALLEIN= to throw, to cast. Thus the word means "to throw or cast before." With this in mind, we can say that a PROBLEM may be defined as follows:
We must pay attention to the problem (not ignore it or hide from
it or pretend it is not there), and we must act to solve the problem in Gods
Where do problems come from? What causes problems? Why do we have problems? Here are three things to consider:
If you were a tree, would you have the same kinds of problems as you do now?________ You are not a tree! You are not an ant! You are not a fish! You are not a robin! You are a PERSON, and so you have problems that only belong to PERSONS.
Because you are a person, you can THINK (use your mind and intellect), FEEL (your emotions--sad, mad, glad), and CHOOSE (use your will and make decisions). Thus as a person we can act and react as no animal can ever do!
People have problems because of who they are (a thinking,
willing and choosing person). What are some of the problems we have
because of who we are (a person who thinks, feels and
I wasnt invited to a birthday
party, and so I feel left out.
I decided to watch television instead of studying for the test.
People have problems because of the kind of condition they are in. The Bible clearly teaches that man is a sinner: "For there is not a man upon earth, that doeth ___________ and _________________ not" (Ecclesiastes 7:20). Can you think of some problems people face that are directly caused by mans sinful condition?
the problem of alcoholism
security problems at banks
Not only is man sinful, but man is also finite (extremely limited). We are very small, puny, limited creatures. David once realized how limited and finite man is and he said, "What is ________ that Thou art mindful of him?" (Psalm 8:4).
We are limited in our knowledge. We only know a tiny bit! Think about your town library. Think of all the information that is contained in all the books of that library. How much of that information do you know? Suppose the family washing machine were to break down. If you knew everything there was to know about this machine, then you could probably fix it yourself, but if you had no knowledge and experience with washing machines, you would need to call a repair man who knows more about them. Often we have problems because of our lack of knowledge.
We are limited in our strength and ability. There is only so much we are able to do. We are limited in where we can go and how fast we can get there. We may want to get to California in five minutes, but how are we going to do it? We are limited also in our time. Suppose you wanted to read 2000 books in the next three months. Could you do it? Suppose you wanted to live to see the year 2050. Could you do it? What about the year 2100? What about the year 2150?
Some of mans problems are caused by our own situations that we get ourselves into. Suppose you were to go into your garage or workshop area and begin to build a rocket-ship that will take you to the moon! This idea may be a great one, but you did not really think it through. You do not have the right materials that are needed. You do not have the know-how that is needed. You lack knowledge and proper preparation. Sometimes we get ourselves into situations because we did not think something through carefully; we did not plan properly. A monkey would never think of building a spaceship to go to the moon!
Think of your own Sunday School class. Some of you are male and some are female. Some wear glasses and some do not. Some are tall and others are short. We all have eyes, ears, a nose, etc., but these come in different sizes, shapes, and colors. We are in the body that God gave us (Psalm 139:14), and therefore we should not complain but make the best of our physical situation, whatever it is, and do it with thanksgiving.
If you were blind, would you have certain problems that other people do not have? If you were crippled and unable to walk, what kinds of problems would you face? If you were 7 feet tall and weighed 450 pounds, what kinds of problems might you face? If you were 4 feet 5 inches tall and playing on a basketball team with fellows who were all over 6 feet tall, what kinds of problems might you face?
What are some problems that you might have because you are in the body that you are in?
I sometimes get a cold or the
I sometimes get very tired arid have trouble concentrating.
The Bible speaks of our physical body in 2 Corinthians 4:16: "though our ______________________ man perish." The outward physical body gets tired and run down and sick and old, and because of this we have many problems!
I am a PERSON. I am a person who is IN THE BODY. I am a person who is in the body IN THE WORLD, and because I am in the world there are contacts and conflicts with other people. In the world, I am with other people who have problems, and I must seek to relate and get along with them. I am in a world where the weather changes, governments change, and many other things change all around me.
Can you think of some problems that you would not have if you were in heaven instead of being in this world?
Who is the ruler of this world (John 12:31)? ________________ We can be sure that as long as the devi1 is walking about (1 Peter 5:8) there will be problems! What have you heard on the news or read in the newspapers recently that reminds you that there are very real problems that we face because we are in the world?
Jesus said, "In the world ye shall have
(John 16:33). What are some other problems that a believer might have because
he is in the world (see John 15:18-20)?
It is helpful if we think about the differences between teenagers (like yourself) and adults (those who have lived a few more years than you have). What kind of world do they face, and what kind of world do you face? What kinds of problems do they face, and what kinds of problems do you face? Do you face the same kinds of things they do, or are there differences? And if there are differences, what are they? Remember, that in order to be 25 years old you have to have been 15 years old. In order to be 45 years old, you first had to have been 25 years old at one time. As you work with the following chart, try to note any similarities between teens and adults and any differences. The first few are done for you so that you can get the idea:
-Body- |
Basically I have the same body as an adult--same organs and bones and bodily parts. | Basically they have the same body as teens, only the body has lived on earth a few more years. | |||
-Blood- |
I have the same blood as an adult. My blood could be donated to the Red Cross and be used to save the life of an adult. | They have the same type of blood now as they did when they were a teen. This has not changed. | |||
-Bones- | ||||
I have the same bones that an adult has. | They have the same bones, except their bones may be slightly more brittle with age. | |||
-Brains- | ||||
______________________________ | _________________________________ | |||
______________________________ | _________________________________ | |||
______________________________ | _________________________________ | |||
-Responsibilities- |
What are your main responsibilities? |
What are their main responsibilities? |
______________________________ | ________________________________ | |||
______________________________ | ________________________________ | |||
______________________________ | ________________________________ | |||
-Experience- |
How experienced are you in LIVING? |
How experienced are they in LIVING? |
______________________________ | ________________________________ | |||
______________________________ | ________________________________ | |||
______________________________ | ________________________________ | |||
-Activities- |
What are your main activities? |
What are their main activities? |
______________________________ | ________________________________ | |||
______________________________ | ________________________________ | |||
______________________________ | ________________________________ | |||
-Emotions- |
How do you react to things emotionally? |
How do they react to things emotionally? |
__________________________ | _____________________________ | |||
__________________________ | _____________________________ | |||
__________________________ | _____________________________ | |||
Socially |
How many people do you have to get along with? |
How many people do they have to get along with? |
__________________________ | _____________________________ | |||
__________________________ | _____________________________ | |||
__________________________ | _____________________________ | |||
-Work- |
What kind of work have you done (job, etc.) and for how long? | What kind of work have they done and
for how long? |
_____________________________ | ________________________________ | |||
_____________________________ | ________________________________ | |||
_____________________________ | ________________________________ | |||
-Problems- |
What kinds of problems have you had to face? | What kinds of problems have they had to face? | |||
__________________________ | _____________________________ | |||
__________________________ | _____________________________ | |||
__________________________ | _____________________________ | |||
-Paying bills- |
How much experience have you had in doing this? | How much experience have they had in doing this? |
__________________________ | _____________________________ | |||
__________________________ | _____________________________ | |||
-Health & sickness- |
How much experience have you had with poor health? | How much experience have they had with poor health? | |||
__________________________ | _____________________________ | |||
__________________________ | _____________________________ | |||
__________________________ | _____________________________ | |||
-Making decisions- |
What kinds of important decisions have you had to make? | What kinds of important decisions
have they had to make? |
__________________________ | _____________________________ | |||
__________________________ | _____________________________ | |||
__________________________ | _____________________________ | |||
-Education- |
How much education have you had to get you ready for being and doing? | How much education have they had to get them ready for being and doing? |
__________________________ | _____________________________ | |||
__________________________ | _____________________________ | |||
-Getting help- |
When you have a serious problem who do you turn to for help? | When they have a serious problem who do they turn to for help? |
__________________________ | _____________________________ | |||
__________________________ | _____________________________ |
Does this chart help you to understand why we do not elect someone to be President of the United States who is 14 or 18 years old? Does this chart help you to understand why you do not see many doctors who are 25 years old? (Most medical students do not finish all their training until they are close to 30 years old.)
Does the chart help you to understand why the Bible gives this command in 1 Peter 5:5: "Likewise, ye ______________________ submit yourselves (rank yourselves under, put yourself under the authority of, respect, obey) unto the ____________________"? Those who are older deserve respect because of their age and experience and knowledge and wisdom. Should this respect be given to those who are our leaders in government? What about the police? Teachers? Parents? Pastors and church leaders (elders and deacons)?
Who should all men be subject to and submit to (Ephesians 5:22,24)? Is there anyone who is more of an elder than God? Is there anyone older than God? How old is God (Psalm 90:2)? In one billion years from now, will God be any older than He is now? Do you know of anyone who has more experience or more knowledge than God? ______ The eternal God has more knowledge and experience than anyone else! In the Bible God is called the "A _____________ of days" (Daniel 7:9)! Does this name help you to see that you should do as God says?
SUBMIT to the one Who is Over You! |
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In conclusion, see John 16:33, Proverbs 4:18-27, and 2 Timothy 2:1-10!
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