Studies on Biblical Separation
Home Page - Sunday School & Bible Studies - Help for the Seeking Heart
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Bible Study - Christian Life - Prophecy - Doctrinal Studies
Christian Home & Family - Dispensationalism - Problems with Reformed Theology
The Local Church - Studies on Biblical Separation -
Order Literature
Spanish Studies
The Biblical Doctrine of Separation and Other
Issues Relating to Fundamentalism
The Biblical Doctrine of Separation--Both Positional
and Practical [PDF
The Beauty of Separation
(Emphasis Upon "Separation Unto") [PDF
An Historical and Biblical Study of Ecclesiastical
Separation by Ernest D. Pickering
You Cannot Accommodate [PDF Format]
- In a day when churches and believers are
accommodating to error and conforming to the fads and fashions of the world,
this message by Pastor Jim Delany is very timely
Heart Disease in Christ's Body
(a review of a book by
Jack Van Impe)
Are Fundamentalists Legalists? by
Dr. Ernest Pickering
Why the Middletown Bible Church Left the IFCA
Divisions in
the Church [PDF
- Sunday School Lesson
The Importance of Doctrine and Truth
The Importance of Doctrine and The True
Biblical Concept of Love - A Campus Crusade
Does Doctrinal Purity Hinder the Cause of Missions?
(Unity at the Expense of Truth?)
A Tale of Two Sisters - The Tragedy of Ecumenical
The Problem of
Creeds and Councils
[PDF Format]
- Sunday School Lesson
The Importance of WARNINGS
- Devotion thoughts especially written for Seminary students or Bible School
students, but helpful to any believing heart
Modern Trends and Issues
A Clarifying Statement on Modern Trends and
The Mega Church Compared To and Contrasted With the Bible Believing Church
The Tragedy of the Crossless Gospel by Tom Stegall - Shows
how Zane Hodges, Robert Wilkin and others in the free grace camp are changing
the true gospel. This article is written by a concerned Pastor who is part of
the free grace movement.
Contemplative Spirituality Contrasted
With Biblical Christianity
- A Helpful Chart
Ecumenical Evangelism (Cooperative Evangelism)
The Problems with Ecumenical Evangelism--Is Billy
Graham Right or Wrong? [PDF
Contemporary Evangelism in Light of God's Word [PDF
New (Neo) Evangelicalism
New Evangelicalism as Historically Defined
The Challenge of a New Religion by Pastor Carlton
Helgerson [PDF Format]
New Evangelicalism--What Is It? by Pastor John
Trust and Obey--Exposing the Dangerous Germs of New
Evangelicalism by Pastor Carlton Helgerson [PDF Format]
The Inhibited Mind of New Evangelicals by John and
Carlton Helgerson [PDF Format]
New Evangelicalism by Dr. John C. Whitcomb [MP3 Format]
The New Evangelicalism by Dr. Charles Woodbridge [MP3 Format]
The New Evangelicialm by Dr. Charles Woodbridge
[PDF of part of his message]
Liberalism, Modernism (Old Fashioned Unbelief)
Difference Between Liberalism and Biblical Christianity
Revivalism, Modernism, Liberalism & Fundamentalism
[PDF Format]
- SS Lesson
Bible Criticism
S.S. Lesson showing the disastrous results that come
from rejecting the Bible as being God's Word and seeing it merely as the
product of fallible and frail men
The Slippery Slope
of Unbelief -
A Poem Showing the Danger of Departing from the
The Modernist
Preacher--A Poem [PDF Format Only]
Separation From Worldliness
John MacArthur and Rock Music -
Including Statements Made by Peter Masters Against
"Worldly Calvinists."
Home Page - Sunday School & Bible Studies - Help for the Seeking Heart
Salvation - Missions & Evangelism -
Bible Study - Christian Life - Prophecy - Doctrinal Studies
Christian Home & Family - Dispensationalism - Problems with Reformed Theology
The Local Church - Studies on Biblical Separation -
Order Literature
Spanish Studies