The Christian Life
Home Page - Sunday School & Bible Studies - Help for the Seeking Heart
Salvation - Missions & Evangelism -
Bible Study - Christian Life - Prophecy - Doctrinal Studies
Christian Home & Family - Dispensationalism - Problems with Reformed Theology
The Local Church - Studies on Biblical Separation -
Order Literature
Spanish Studies
The Christian Life (General Articles)
The Christian Life and How It Is To Be Lived
Christian Living 101
[PDF Format]
Heavenly Care, Comfort and Resources [PDF Format
The Doctrine of the Christian
Life--Theology Notes by Alva McClain
A Heart Exam (How is Your Heart?)
[Fuller Version]
Promises for Believers - Arranged
in different categories [PDF
Believing God's Promises
-Sunday School Lesson
The Believer's Declaration of Dependence [PDF Format] [Alternate
PDF Format]
Living by Faith (Galatians
2:20) Are you claiming these facts by faith?
[PDF Format Part 1]
[PDF Format Part 2]
Practicing His Presence - Does the fact of Christ's indwelling presence change my life? [PDF Format]
Continuing in the Faith Because of God's Great Keeping Power [PDF Format Only]
Abraham's Faith in a Great God
The Story of the Man Who Could Fly (courtesy of
Present Truth Publishers) - Heart Stirring
Story of What It Means To Trust God in Difficulties
Positional Truth
The Believer's Standing and State [PDF Format]
What Does It Mean to be "IN CHRIST"? [PDF Format]
215 Things That are True of Me Now That I am Saved
[PDF Format]
"Ye are complete in Him!" [PDF
The Battle Hymn of the Believer
Living in the Heavenlies by Pastor Kelly Sensenig
Identification with Christ
Living by Faith (Galatians
2:20) Are you claiming these facts by faith?
[PDF Format Part 1]
[PDF Format Part 2]
The New Life--Talks
with Christians on Practical Victory by Captain Reginald Wallis [PDF Format
The Believer's Rule of Life What Part and Place Does the Law Have in Sanctification?
Discipleship [PDF
A Comparison and Contrast Between Salvation and
Discipleship [PDF
The Preciousness of Christ and Devotion to Him
MARY and MARTHA LUKE 10:38-42
Self-Esteem Remedied by Occupation with Christ [PDF
format only] - Excellent study by Dr. W. J.
My Lord and Saviour - He is Everything to Me
[PDF format]
Warnings for the Heart -
Devotion thoughts especially written for Seminary students or Bible School
students, but helpful to any believing heart
How is
Your Heart?
- The Heart of the Matter is the Matter of the Heart
A Heart Exam--May the Holy Spirit Search our
Beholding....We Are Changed! 2 Corinthians
3:18 (As Illustrated
by Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Great Stone Face)
God-Given Responsibilities
and Duties [PDF Format] - A comprehensive and inductive
study of the Godward and manward duties and responsibilities found on the pages
of the New Testament, arranged into 78 categories with a key verse and brief
summary statement for each.
Obeying Christ's Commands
-Sunday School Lesson
Trust and Obey by Pastor Carlton
Helgerson [PDF Format] - Very helpful booklet
(though we don't agree with his comment on the church and Matthew 16 on page 6)
Baptism and
Submitting to
His Lordship
-Sunday School Lesson
Saved By Grace Alone-A Biblical Analysis of
Lordship Salvation
- Showing that Lordship
sanctification is essential but that Lordship salvation is unbiblical
Surrender to Christ
Iwo Jima - A Spiritual Analogy
- Has the Living God Conquered the Territory of Your Heart?
Invictus by William Ernest Henley and My
Captain by Dorothea Day [PDF format only]
- Two contrasting poems, one showing the soul that refuses to be conquered; the
other the soul that surrenders to Christ
The Chosen Vessel (Poem)
My Heart Christ's Home - A classic illustration of what it means to allow Christ to be Lord of every area of your life
Devotional Thoughts on
What Hinders My Prayers From Being
New Testament Prayers [PDF Format Only]
- Believers ought to pattern their prayers after these Biblical prayers
Praying to My
Heavenly Father
-Sunday School Lesson
of these things move me...Or do they?
A practical study on
how God deals with his children by answering prayer in an unexpected way.
(see also below under "Observing
Do You Live on "Grumble
Corner" or "Thanksgiving Street"?
[PDF Format]
Devotional Thoughts
Hundreds of
Devotional Studies - Formatted in a way that may be used as church bulletin
Warnings for the Heart
[PDF Format]
- Devotion thoughts especially written for Seminary students or Bible School
students, but helpful to any believing heart
of these things move me...Or do they?
A practical
study on how God deals with his children by answering prayer in an unexpected
Iwo Jima - A Spiritual Analogy
- Has the Living God Conquered the Territory of Your Heart?
God is Greater Than Any Problem I Have [PDF
Format] - 23 pages of
comfort and encouragement for those believers facing difficulties or deep trials
How is
Your Heart?
- The Heart of the Matter is the Matter of the Heart
A Solitary Way
[PDF Format]
- A classic tract on how Christ can satisfy the lonely heart
God-Given Responsibilities
and Duties [PDF Format] - A comprehensive and inductive
study of the Godward and manward duties and responsibilities found on the pages
of the New Testament, arranged into 78 categories with a key verse and brief
summary statement for each. An excellent study for personal devotions.
Sermons, Bulletin Fillers, Edifying Quotations, Pithy Proverbs
Sentence Sermons,
Bulletin Fillers, Edifying Quotations, Pithy Proverbs (Hundreds of These)
Practical Sanctification and Victory
What is the Believer's Rule of Life? What Part and Place Does the Law Have in Sanctification?
The Christian Life and How It Is To Be Lived
God's Working And The Believer's Working
[PDF Format] - Seeing
the Balance
The Biblical Doctrine of Separation--Both Positional
and Practical
Romans Chapters 6-8
The Believer's Two Natures -
Important Truths for the Believing Heart (SS Lesson)
The New Life--Talks with Christians on Practical Victory
by Captain Reginald Wallis [PDF Format Only]
The Battle Hymn of the Believer [PDF
Godly Living and Overcoming the Flesh -
A Vital Message by Pastor James Delany
[Audio File]
Manifesting God's Life -
Precious instruction on how to live the Christian
Christian Living 101 [PDF
The Believer's Declaration of Dependence [PDF Format]
Living by Faith (Galatians
2:20) Are you claiming these facts by faith?
[PDF Format Part 1]
[PDF Format Part 2]
Self-Esteem Remedied by Occupation with Christ [PDF format
only] - Excellent study by Dr. W. J. Prost
Beholding....We Are Changed! 2
Corinthians 3:18 (As
Illustrated by Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Great Stone Face)
My Heart Christ's Home
- A classic illustration of what it means to allow Christ to be Lord of every
area of your life
Can a Christian be Carnal?
A Firsthand Account of the Great
Awakening in Boston
- with special emphasis on the preaching and remarkable
testimony of George Whitefield [PDF Format only]
Good Works
The Relationship Between Good Works and
Salvation - a helpful
What did James teach about good works?
- Did James contradict or complement
God's Working And The Believer's Working
[PDF Format] - Seeing
the Balance
Being a Faithful Steward
-Sunday School Lesson
A True Example of Love As Exemplified
by the Early Moravian Missionaries
What True Love is Not
[PDF Format]
-Sunday School Lesson
Difference Between Salvation and Rewards
- a helpful chart
Wrong Teaching on the Subject of Rewards
Law and Grace
What is the Believer's Rule of Life? What Part and Place Does the Law Have in Sanctification?
Law and
Grace--A Bible Contrast, by Merrill F. Unger [PDF Format
Legalism - What it is and
What it is not [PDF
Are Fundamentalists Legalists?
by Dr. Ernest Pickering
Romans 7-
the believer's relationship to the law
The Sixth
shalt not kill." Does
this command forbid all killing?
How to Know God's Will by Muller and Tozer
[PDF Format]
Knowing God's Will
School Lesson
Guidance from God's Word - 67
Tests that can be used by a believer to decide upon a course of action [PDF Format]
Bible Study
How To Enroll in
a Correspondence Bible Study Course
Spiritual Life - How
to Grow in the Lord and be a Healthy Believer
Growing in the Lord
-Sunday School Lesson
What Can God’s Precious Word Do For Me? [PDF
George Muller and the Scriptures- How important was the Bible to this godly man?
Meditating on the Scriptures by Charles Spurgeon - practical help
from the "prince of preachers" [PDF
and Immature Believers Contrasted
Don't Be A Dead Sea Christian!
Spirituality, the Vital Ministry of the Spirit
of God, and Confession of Sin
The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
Spiritual Life - How
to Grow in the Lord and be a Healthy Believer
Two Aspects of Forgiveness
[PDF Format]
Importance of Confession for the Restoration of Fellowship
"Be Filled With the Spirit"--A Vital Message For Every
Believer [PDF
[Printable Pamphlet Format]
Walking in the
-Sunday School Lesson
Nothing Between My Soul and the Saviour
-- The importance of 1 John 1:9 and what it means to confess our sins
The Believer's Two Natures -
Important Truths for the Believing Heart (SS Lesson)
Contemplative Spirituality Contrasted With
Biblical Christianity
- A Helpful Chart
Praising the LORD [PDF format only]
Carelessness and Casualness in Worship
Reverence in the Local Assembly
Family Relationships
Christian Home & Family
The Family Altar
Church Relationships
Membership in the
Local Assembly of Believers--Being A Healthy Believer
The Local Church
Enjoying the
Family of God
-Sunday School Lesson
Love of Country and Patriotism
When Our Nation is in
Decline, What Can We Know For Sure?
The Story Behind the
National Anthem - Francis Scott Key
The Hand of God in America's War for Independence
The Invasion of Iwo Jima - "Lest We Forget"
- a fitting Memorial Day reminder
Iwo Jima - A Spiritual Analogy
- Has the Living God Conquered the Territory of Your Heart?
The Church and
the State
- SS Lesson
The Battle Hymn of the Believer [PDF
- new words to a well known patriotic song
The Pledge of Allegiance (Flag Day)
- including Red Skelton's amazing prophecy
The Believer's Declaration of Dependence [PDF Format]
Message to the Children and Youth of America by the
President of the United States [PDF Format Only]
Noah Webster--An Example of How Scholars of the Past
Were Often Bible Believing Men [PFD Format Only]
Good News for Uncertain Times
Biblical Teaching Regarding Climate
Flag Day (June 14)--Showing Honor and Respect
Facts to Understand About Slavery
Dealing with Sin
Nothing Between My Soul and the Saviour
-- The importance of 1 John 1:9 and what it means to confess our sins
Overcoming Temptations
-Sunday School Lesson
Overcoming Temptations and the Temptation of
Eve [PDF Format]
-Sunday School Lesson
Minced Oaths - An
important message for believers about euphemisms. [PDF
[Four Page Pamphlet Format]
What is Wrong with the Lottery? [PDF
The Believer's Two Natures -
Important Truths for the Believing Heart (SS Lesson)
MacArthur's One Nature Position
Safe Sin??
-Newspaper message (USA Today)
Thirteen Bible Characters
- A series of Sunday School lessons dealing with such sins as pride, idolatry,
self-pity, sins of the flesh. rebellion and the problem of guilt
Two Aspects of Forgiveness
[PDF Format]
Importance of Confession for the Restoration of Fellowship
Godly Living and Overcoming the Flesh -
A Vital Message by Pastor James Delany
[Audio File]
The Unpardonable Sin (in
the Context of Matthew Chapter 12)
Tempting God and Doubting God
[PDF Format]
[PDF Format]
The Lord's Teachings on Worry in
Matthew 6
[PDF Format]
Homosexuality--What Does God Say?
Invictus by William Ernest Henley and My
Captain by Dorothea Day [PDF format only]
- Two contrasting poems, one showing the soul that refuses to be conquered; the
other the soul that surrenders to Christ. Illustrates the foolish pride of
the self-sufficient person.
Growth in Grace Involves
Recognition of the Sinfulness of Sin
The Nations and
Their Gods
-Sunday School Lesson
The False God of Christmas
Smartphone Idolatry
[PDF Format, for bulletin insert]
Overcoming Problems and Enduring Trials
The Procedure for Conquering the Crisis (2 Chronicles 20:1-30)
[PDF Format]
God is Greater Than Any Problem I Have -
23 pages of comfort and encouragement for those
believers facing difficulties or deep trials
Problem Solving in Light of Who God Is [PDF
Comfort for Believers in Times of Trouble - Verses
to Comfort You Today [PDF
Sickness by J.C.Ryle
[PDF Format] -
Helpful for saved and unsaved who are so afflicted
Cancer and the Christian Life
[PDF Format] - A must read for every believer who has cancer
Never Give Up! -
Biblical encouragement to
persevere in spite of difficulties
Worry, Fear, Doubt, Anger, Pride - Five lessons dealing with these besetting problems and how
to gain the victory through God's All-Sufficient Grace
One Reason Believers Struggle With Assurance
of Salvation
Thirteen Bible Characters
- A series of Sunday School lessons dealing with such problems as pride,
guilt, idolatry, self-pity, carnality. rebellion, phony profession, etc.
The Battle Hymn of the Believer
With Loneliness [PDF
-Sunday School Lesson
A Solitary Way
[PDF Format]
- A classic tract on how Christ can satisfy the lonely heart
Who Is
the Overcomer in Revelation 2-3?
How is Your
- The Heart of the Matter is the Matter of the Heart
*Problem! Problem? - Dealing
with my problems in light of God and His Word
Self-Esteem Remedied by Occupation with Christ [PDF
format only] - Excellent study by Dr. W. J.
Good News for Uncertain Times
God Hath Not Promised
Overcoming Worldliness
Spurgeon and Places of Entertainment - By
C. H. Spurgeon [PDF Format]
Entertainment in the
Local Church [PDF
- Helpful Articles by Tozer and Spurgeon
John MacArthur and Rock Music
A Time To Dance? by Tim Fisher (Is Dancing an
Appropriate Form of Worship?)
Modesty - "Put ye on the
Lord Jesus Christ." [PDF
What is Wrong with the Lottery? [PDF
If You Can't
Beat Them, Join Them! (Constantine) [PDF Format]
- Sunday School lesson based on Church History
Beholding....We Are Changed! 2
Corinthians 3:18 (As
Illustrated by Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Great Stone Face)
Dancing--A Very Helpful Biblical Study by Pastor Jim
Honoring the Lord with Appropriate Music
Worshipful, Reverent, God-centered and Biblically Based Music Which Is
Appropriate for Those Who Have Been Purchased by Christ's Blood
Is Music Neutral?
- Illustrates that music carries a powerful message even without the words
Songs For Children based on Various Bible Characters and Set to Familiar Tunes
- excellent for use in home or in the local assembly
A Baby Cried
[Audio]- beautiful Christmas
octavo (SATB) with a solid message
Oh What Wonder! Christmas hymn for congregational singing -
Permission is granted for Bible believing local churches to use this song for
congregational singing
Oh What Wonder! Christmas
Message in Solo Arrangement
- Permission is granted for Bible believing local churches to use this solo
arrangement in their worship service
Doctrinal Chorus by Carlton Helgerson
Observing Holidays
The False God of Christmas
"Happy Holiday"--What Ever Happened to Christmas?
The Message of the Candy Cane
How Should a King Come?
The Wonder of the Incarnation
Micah 5:2 - A Most Amazing Prophecy
[Bulletin Insert]
Isaiah 9:6 - The God-Man: A Child Born, A Son Given
Blazing Glory Breaking the Darkness (Luke 2:9)
History's Most Important Birth
Perfect Timing (Galatians 4:4)
The New Year
Another Year Has Passed -
Brief Devotional Thought for the New Year
Why We Celebrate Thanksgiving -- Those Remarkable
Thanksgiving Street [PDF
Thankgiving--The Pilgrims, "One Small Candle"
Thanksgiving--The Remarkable Story of John Howland,
Mayflower Passenger
Thanksgiving: Tombstone "Bethankful"
The Mayflower and the Titanic -- What a
Giving Thanks FOR WHAT?
Independence Day (July 4th)
The Believer's Declaration of Dependence [PDF Format]
-4th of July Devotional Thought
Living a Separated Life
Studies on Biblical
Sanctification--What Does the Bible
Teach, Part 1
Sanctification--What Does the Bible
Teach, Part 2
Godly Living and Overcoming the Flesh -
A Vital Message by Pastor James Delany
[Audio File]
General Principles for Christian Living
The Christian Life And How
it is to be Lived [PDF Format]
The New Life--Talks
with Christians on Practical Victory by Captain Reginald Wallis [PDF Format
God-Given Responsibilities
and Duties [PDF Format] - A comprehensive and inductive
study of the Godward and manward duties and responsibilities found on the pages
of the New Testament, arranged into 78 categories with a key verse and brief
summary statement for each.
Christian Living 101
[PDF Format]
Living by Faith (Galatians
2:20) Are you claiming these facts by faith?
[PDF Format Part 1]
[PDF Format Part 2]
Proverbs - Choosing
the Way of Wisdom
Warnings for the Heart -
Devotion thoughts especially written for Seminary students or Bible School
students, but helpful to any believing heart
the Doctrine of God our Saviour (Titus 2)
How is
Your Heart?
- The Heart of the Matter is the Matter of the Heart
Godly Living and Overcoming the Flesh -
A Vital Message by Pastor James Delany
[Audio File]
Manifesting God's Life -
Precious instruction on how to live the Christian
Beholding....We Are Changed! 2
Corinthians 3:18 (As
Illustrated by Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Great Stone Face)
My Heart Christ's Home
- A classic illustration of what it means to allow Christ to be Lord of every
area of your life
Inspiring Biographies or Life Stories
Charlie Coulson- The Drummer Boy
[PDF Format] - A Christian
Hero of the American War. This is about a Jewish surgeon during and after the
Civil War and his remarkable journey of faith.
The Banker's
Daughter by Dr. Max Rossvally [PDF Format] - A heart-warming account
of the spiritual journey of several Jewish people in 19th Century America.
The Making of the
Beautiful--The Life Story of Annie Johnson Flint [PDF Format Only]
Sharing our Faith
& Evangelism
Personal Evangelism
- Witnessing by Life and by Lip. Good for adults and teens. 13 Helpful
Lessons in worksheet form.
Personal Evangelism - 20
Passages from the N.T. Epistles
[PDF Format]
The Example of the Early Moravian
Confessing My Lord
-Sunday School Lesson
Dr. Harry Ironside Challenged to a
Debate by an Agnostic - Lesson: You can't argue
against a transformed life!
Home Page - Sunday School & Bible Studies - Help for the Seeking Heart
Salvation - Missions & Evangelism -
Bible Study - Christian Life - Prophecy - Doctrinal Studies
Christian Home & Family - Dispensationalism - Problems with Reformed Theology
The Local Church - Studies on Biblical Separation -
Order Literature
Spanish Studies